A Good Dog is a Happy Dog!
Scientifically-based Dog Training From Basic to Advanced!
We all have goals for our animal companions. It could be as simple as health and happiness, or as ambitious as achieving very specialized behaviors. Whether you are simply needing to address certain issues, or you are working towards official Service or Therapy Dog certification, Golden Paws offers a path to reach your goal.
No matter your aims, learning your dog's unique language is the key to stronger communication. I want to help you understand and be understood by your dog in order to strengthen your bond. This deeper connection is the foundation upon which all good training is built.
I would love to speak with you about your goals and see if we can come up with a training path that fits your goals and your schedule.
Call Wendy! 515-964-9997

Me & Denali
About Me
My name is Wendy Turner. I am the owner of Golden Paws K9 Obedience, a professional dog trainer and Canine Good Citizen Evaluator.
I believe I have developed a training path that serves not only the standard behavior training, but also covers a higher level of service and therapy dog training, and hunting dog development.
Join the Golden Paws crew and see why we have so many good reviews! It's the power of science and love!
Give me a call for a free consultation we'll get you matched up with the right training program.
- Wendy
All Breeds Welcome!
We do not discriminate based on breed. Dogs are accepted based solely on their behavior and disposition.
We encourage all members of a dog's extended family to attend training. Everyone can benefit from and affect a dog's training ongoing evolution.
20+ Years' Experience!
I draw on many years of diverse experiences for a unique perspective and the ability to read a dog's personality and needs.
Human and dog psychology give us insights into how best to understand behavior and improve communication for lasting results.
Why Choose Golden Paws?

Level 1: Basic In-Home Training
Level one is for any dog. This is where we observe the dog in their home environment, and find and address specific issues.
This begins with assessing the situation, understanding the family/pack dynamic, and getting to know the personality and tendencies on the dog and owners.
This sets the stage for strengthening communication and deepening the bond between owner and dog. Training and rehabilitation can be built upon that foundation.
Training is based on the teachings of Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner wherein dog and human psychology are taken into account to ensure lessons are deeply learned and easy to understand.
Training encompasses basic good manners, boundaries and limitations, and to show the dog how to live in our world. Training is customized to each dog/family/pack.
Level 2: Basic Out & About Training
Level 2 is for any dog. This is where we observe the dog in public environments with more distractions, and find and address specific issues, including fear, anxiety, reactivity, and more. This entails finding the triggers and working through them. We can also work toward Canine Good Citizen certification.
Training is based on the same general concepts as Level 1 and includes Level 1's basic goals as well.

Level 3: Therapy Dog Training
Level 3 is for dogs working toward therapy dog certification. Golden Paws offers more robust, long-lasting training that is intended to bring dogs and their owners together as a high level team, ready to tackle certification.
Level's 1 and 2 are prerequisites.
Level 4: Service Dog Training
Level 4 is for dogs working toward service dog certification. Golden Paws offers more robust, long-lasting training that is intended to bring dogs and their owners together as a high level team, ready to tackle certification.
Level's 1 and 2 are prerequisites.

Hunting Dog Training
This training path aims to desensitize dogs to gunshots, display a soft mouth when retrieving, and other attributes required for an effective, safe hunting companion. This is the only level that includes scent training.
We can address specific issues or behaviors for your particular dog and work towards creating a hunting environment that is safe, fruitful and enjoyable.